Do you provide enough information for your buyers?

Here’s a lesson in what not to do from

When looking for shoes to buy her daughter, [she] measured the toddler’s foot and then looked for the site’s size chart. None existed. She wrote to the retailer asking them for a size chart, but was directed to go to a nearby store. “Not only did they not address my question, they directed me to the channel I tried to avoid shopping in the first place,” she said.

Simply amazing. “Just go to one of our competitors – they’ll be happy to help you!”

About thatsoftwareguy

Focused on eCommerce.
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2 Responses to Do you provide enough information for your buyers?

  1. John Lange says:

    I understand the need to give the customer all the data they need to make a buying decision. In direct sales “car sales, merchandise sales, etc” you get to interact with your customer and respond to their objections and get several opportunities to “ask for the money”.

    In web marketing, you only get one chance to impress your customer and feed them enough information to get that all important response “Yes I will Buy it from You”

    How much information is enough or too much. Today’s SEO recommendations say that on an eCommerce site one sure way to make sure that a particular page is classified as unique, the sites individual landing page has to have more unique text than the last page.

    In an effort to provide enough text look at

    If you count the words in the site template, I have 288 words. To provide more than 288 words on this particular landing page and to not obscure the product, the text is so small that it looks unprofessional.

    After all that blah, blah, blah Here’s the Question!
    Can you make a recommendation as how to make this landing page text more effective?

    And just to get a blatant advertizing link in here, here’s a link to my other pet project
    Thanks JOhn >


  2. I actually love this landing page. I wouldn’t change a thing!


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